चिंचवड येथे ७२ व्या भारतीय सेना दिनानिमित्त मार्शल कॅडेट फोर्सतर्फे संचलन स्पर्धा आयोजित करण्यात आली.
रहाटणी येथे ७२ व्या भारतीय सेना दिनानिमित्त मार्शल कॅडेट फोर्सतर्फे संचलन स्पर्धेचे आयोजन करण्यात आले.
Marshal Cadet Force (MCF) was established under the Marshal Cadet Foundation on 20th November 2010. MCF has been recognized under the 21st Institution’s Registration Act of 1860 and the 29th Mumbai Trust Act of 1950. MCF is the first ever private institution in Maharashtra imparting pre-military / para-military training to children of age group 06 to 15 years, since the year 2010 and is equally competent with other such governmental institutions.
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MCF presents summer camp with various training activities like Mallakhamb, Lathi Kathi, Martial Arts, Archery and many more. Send your kids for fun and learn followed by a closing ceremony on the last day.
Age group: - 6-15
Time: - 8:00 am to 6:00 pm
Venue: -Novel International School
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Value-added training imparted through the medium of many schools in different cities.
This is pre-preparation for the MCF program. In pre-preparation program, we provide the training of ...
On successful completion of MCTC Basic Training Certification Programme “A” of 3 years , the student ...
On successful completion of MCTC Training Certification “A” & “B” programs, Program “C” is developed ...
MCF no doubt..very good performance by students. students were trained veey well. ure staff cooperated in every way. very punctual and dedicated. parents too enjoyed and loved MCF activities. great work. Your team had given the best performance yesterday. Parents had no words to express. They were jst surprise to see that their child hidden talent. They were jst surprise to see that their child hidden talent. They were jst surprise to see that their child hidden talent.
Today's performance of students was Excellent. All were very happy to see students performing with confidence. MCF team has trained our students very well. It was wonderful experience for our students. Kudos to team MCF. Your team had given the best performance yesterday. Parents had no words to express. They were jst surprise to see that their child hidden talent. They were jst surprise to see that their child hidden talent. They were jst surprise to see that their child hidden talent.
Your team had given the best performance yesterday. Parents had no words to express. They were jst surprise to see that their child hidden talent. On behalf of . management,staff and students i personally thank from the bottom of my heart to the instructors and to the tour complete team who made the show remarkable. Meri taraf see pls convey my thanks to all. MCF has grabbed the show. Thank you sir for all your cooperation . Looking forward to be associated in long teems.